Species Information:
Length: 32-37mm
Flight Period: July to September (occasionally June)
This species is smaller than the Common Darter or Red-veined Darter. It has extensive pale orange colouration to the basal half of the wings and many wing veins. The bright red males and clear yellow-brown females are attractive. The eyes are brown above and yellow below. The pterostigma is red or brown strongly outlined in black, somewhat shorter than in most darters.
Male: becomes orange-red with maturity with a red frons and red-brown thorax.
Female: ochre yellow abdomen strongly marked with black along the lower half of each side.
Found in marginal vegetation along ditches, ponds and the still backwaters of rivers.
Status & Distribution:
Irregular migrant but may occur in large numbers (1995, 2006). Has bred after major influxes (e.g. Chartley Moss, Staffordshire, in 1996), but colonies do not persist.
Similar Species:
The various resident and migrant species of Darter in the UK are easily confused, the females being particularly difficult to tell apart.